Things we’d rip off, 2008

Presented within the context of a university art faculty exhibition at ASU Art Museum, Things we’d rip off sparked conversation on values that support individual artistic practices while questioning methodologies that attempt to affix meaning and value to contemporary art school training.

The research group included all who teach within an art school, from tenured faculty to adjunct associates to graduate teaching assistants. Sale asked his colleagues to respond to a hand-drawn survey; each request included an actual two-dollar bill. His colleagues were directed to actively consider what is important to instill in the students they taught and asked to share a thought, a value they hold, a guiding principle that they would ‘rip off’ if they were in the place of their students.

Three options to participate were offered: 1.) Accept this $ as payment for their contribution, 2.) Keep the $ and not respond, or 3.) Use the $ as art material to articulate a response. Responses and findings comprised a final report/artwork and invited additional survey responses.

Social art/research project, ASU Herberger College School of Art Faculty Exhibition, ASU Art Museum, Tempe, AZ